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15 Degree Wire Coil Framing Nails

15 Degree Wire Coil Framing Nails
For use with Bostitch N80CB-1, Hitachi NV83A4, NV65AH, NV65AH2, NV75AG, Senco SCN65XP, SCN60XP, PalletPro 57F, PalletPro 100, Pallet Pro 130, Paslode F325C, P350C, P275C, Apach CN70-E, CN57-E, MAX HN75, HN90, CN100, CN55, CN70, CN80, CN890II, CN890F, Fasco F58 CN15W-70, Grex CN60 and most other 15 degree wire pallet and framing nailers.