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WHO WE ARE was launched in 2000, in response to a growing demand for e-commerce within the construction and manufacturing trades. To this day, our purpose stands to fulfill a growing demand for world-class fastening products and services, on a global scale. Located in Cincinnati, Nail Gun Depot works with distribution centers strategically located across the United States, to ensure top notch customer service and satisfaction. With a dedication to customer service, genuine passion for the business, and partnerships with world class manufacturers, Nail Gun Depot has continued to prove itself as an industry leader. Our highly skilled and experienced staff strive to offer the most efficient and competitive fastening solutions available.
- 200 years combined experience
- Everyday low prices
- Free & fast tool delivery
- SOP tool repair program
- Live online support
- Diverse product offerings
- Access to product application experts
- Secure online ordering & tracking
- Support past the point of sale
- Partnerships with world class brands