15 Degree Coil Roofing Nails

15 Degree Coil Roofing Nails
SureFit Coil Wire Weld Roofing Nails are the ultimate choice for professionals and DIYers. Engineered for swift and dependable performance, these nails offer a perfect balance of strength and precision. Their wire weld construction ensures maximum holding power, while the coil design provides uninterrupted fastening efficiency. Compatible with most roofing nailers, SureFit nails deliver a smooth, hassle-free installation. These nails are excellent for re-roofing, installing asphalt and fiberglass shingles, new roofs, insulation board, and waterproof tar paper. Experience the difference that SureFit makes in your roofing project. Shop our selection today!
For use in Apach RN-45E2, Metabo HPT NV45AB2, MAX CN445R2, CN445R3, Paslode R175-C, Senco 445XP, RoofPro 450, Stanley Bostitch RN46-1, Everwin RCN45, and most other Roofing Nailers.