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QuikDrive Collated Strip Screws
- #8 x 1-1/4" DSV Deck Screw, T25 6-Lobe Drive, Rimmed Flat Head, Quik Guard Coated TanSKU#: DSVT114SBox Count: 2000$137.65Qty:
- #10 x 2-3/4" 305 Stainless Steel DCU Composite Deck ScrewSKU#: DCU234S305Box Count: 1000$413.73Qty:
- #8 x 1-5/8" DSV Deck Screw, T25 6-Lobe Drive, Rimmed Flat Head, Quik Guard Coated Tan Half PkSKU#: HCKDSVT158SBox Count: 1000$79.95Qty:
- #8 x 2" Quik Guard, Trim-Head, Type 17 Point DTHQ Deck ScrewSKU#: DTHQ2SBox Count: 2000$176.90Qty:
- #8 x 1-5/8" DSV Deck Screw, T25 6-Lobe Drive, Rimmed Flat Head, Quik Guard Coated TanSKU#: DSVT158SBox Count: 2000$156.65Qty:
- #10 x 1" HWH Quik Guard Coat Self-Drilling X Metal ScrewSKU#: XQ1S1016Box Count: 1500$161.12Qty:
- #10 x 2-3/4" 316 Stainless Steel DCU Composite Deck ScrewSKU#: DCU234S316Box Count: 1000$505.79Qty:
- #8 x 1-5/8" DSV Deck Screw, T25 6-Lobe Drive, Rimmed Flat Head, Quik Guard Coated RedSKU#: DSVR158SBox Count: 2000$156.65Qty:
- #8 x 2-1/2" 305 Stainless Steel SSWSCB Roofing Tile ScrewSKU#: SSWSC212BSBox Count: 1500$453.30Qty:
- #8 x 2-1/2" Quik Guard, Trim-Head, Type 17 Point DTHQ Deck ScrewSKU#: DTHQ212SBox Count: 1500$180.57Qty:
- #10 x 2" DSV Deck Screw, T25 6-Lobe Drive, Rimmed Flat Head, Quik Guard Coated Tan Half PkSKU#: HCKDSVT2SBox Count: 750$69.63Qty:
- #12 x 1" HWH Quik Guard Coat Self-Drilling X Metal ScrewSKU#: XQ1S1214Box Count: 1500$183.07Qty:
- #8 x 3", #3 Square, Twin Threads w/nibs, N2000 GalvanizedSKU#: WSCD3SBox Count: 1000$0.00Qty:Out of stock
- #8 x 1-15/16" Wood to Steel, #3 Square, Pilot Point, YZSKU#: PPSD11516S0818Box Count: 2000$0.00Qty:Out of stock
- #10 x 2" DSV Deck Screw, T25 6-Lobe Drive, Rimmed Flat Head, Quik Guard Coated RedSKU#: DSVR2SBox Count: 1500$140.47Qty:
- #10 x 1", Pan Head, #2 Square, Drill Point, GalvanizedSKU#: PCSDQ1S1016Box Count: 1500$0.00Qty:Out of stock
- #8 x 3" Quik Guard, Trim-Head, Type 17 Point DTHQ Deck ScrewSKU#: DTHQ3SBox Count: 1000$142.45Qty:
- #12 x 1-1/4”, 5/16” Hex Washer Head, #5 Drill Point Quik GuardSKU#: XLQ114T1224Box Count: 1000$0.00Qty:Out of stock
- #10 x 2" DSV Deck Screw, T25 6-Lobe Drive, Rimmed Flat Head, Quik Guard Coated TanSKU#: DSVT2SBox Count: 1500$140.47Qty:
- #10 x 2-1/2" 305 Stainless Steel Bugle Head Wood ScrewSKU#: SS3DSC212BSBox Count: 1500$419.58Qty:
- #10 x 2-1/2" DSV Deck Screw, T25 6-Lobe Drive, Rimmed Flat Head, Quik Guard Coated Tan Half PkSKU#: HCKDSVT212SBox Count: 500$61.03Qty:
- #10 x 2-1/2" 316 Stainless Steel Bugle Head Wood ScrewSKU#: SS3DSC212BS316Box Count: 1500$541.38Qty:
- #6 x 1-5/8" N2000 Mechanically Galvanized DWC Drywall ScrewSKU#: DWCG158SBox Count: 2500$96.05Qty:
- #9 x 1-3/4" Yellow Zinc Coated WSV Subfloor Screw Half PkSKU#: HCKWSV134SBox Count: 1000$83.68Qty:
- #10 x 2-1/2" DSV Deck Screw, T25 6-Lobe Drive, Rimmed Flat Head, Quik Guard Coated GraySKU#: DSVG212SBox Count: 1000$100.58Qty:
- #10 x 2-1/2" DSV Deck Screw, T25 6-Lobe Drive, Rimmed Flat Head, Quik Guard Coated TanSKU#: DSVT212SBox Count: 1000$121.67Qty:
- #10 x 2-1/2" DSV Deck Screw, T25 6-Lobe Drive, Rimmed Flat Head, Quik Guard Coated RedSKU#: DSVR212SBox Count: 1000$121.68Qty:
- #9 x 2-1/2" Yellow Zinc Coated WSV Subfloor Screw Half PkSKU#: HCKWSV212SBox Count: 750$84.38Qty:
- #10 x 3" DSV Deck Screw, T25 6-Lobe Drive, Rimmed Flat Head, Quik Guard Coated Tan Half PkSKU#: HCKDSVT3SBox Count: 500$85.70Qty:
- #10 x 3" DSV Deck Screw, T25 6-Lobe Drive, Rimmed Flat Head, Quik Guard Coated RedSKU#: DSVR3SBox Count: 1000$141.08Qty:
- #10 x 3" DSV Deck Screw, T25 6-Lobe Drive, Rimmed Flat Head, Quik Guard Coated GraySKU#: DSVG3SBox Count: 1000$141.08Qty:
- #10 x 3" DSV Deck Screw, T25 6-Lobe Drive, Rimmed Flat Head, Quik Guard Coated TanSKU#: DSVT3SBox Count: 1000$141.09Qty:
- #7 x 2-1/2" Brown-05 305 Stainless SSDTH Trim Head Deck ScrewSKU#: DTH212S305BR05Box Count: 1000$352.58Qty:
- 0.155 x 4-1/2" Black Electrocoat SDWC Non-Collated Truss Screw 50ctSKU#: SDWC15450-KTBox Count: 50$39.53Qty:
- 0.155 x 4-1/2" Black Electrocoat SDWC Non-Collated Truss ScrewSKU#: SDWC15450B-KTBox Count: 500$291.20Qty:
- #7 x 2-1/2" Brown-01 305 Stainless SSDTH Trim Head Deck ScrewSKU#: DTH212S305BR01Box Count: 1000$352.58Qty:
- #10 x 2-3/4" Brown-01 316 Stainless Steel DCU Composite Deck ScrewSKU#: DCU234S316BR01Box Count: 1000$521.95Qty:
QuikDrive Collated Strip Screws
Collated-screw fastening tools are replacing traditional nail guns for their speed reliability and power. Quik Drive collated screws save time and expense on jobsites every day.